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My Dada poem reads, “Cleared swine and fantastic, take every massacred, boys do rise, for what trained of a.” I have split the poem up into four sections, just because each individual section seems to make a slight bit of sense, were as if it is simply read: “cleared swine and fantastic take every massacred boys do rise for what trained of a.” this wouldn’t make any sense, and the viewer wouldn’t be able to breathe whilst reading it.

I have chosen key words from the text in which I will take inspiration on when illustrating the piece. They are, swine, massacred, boys, and trained. I have chosen these words as I feel that they have the most connotations relating to imagery.

I have chosen quite a simple and basic layout using the rule of the golden section. For this reason the main focus of the image is the head of the pig. I did this because I think it is the most striking photograph that I have used and also the word “swine” is in the very beginning of the text. Once the viewer has looked at the opening sentence the rest of the poem leads the eye around the composition. Each section of the poem is placed next to the image in which it is supposed to represent. This is so whilst the viewer is reading the poem they get a sense for what it could mean.

For example I have used a pigs head for the word swine; a photographic still from a CCTV camera, of the columbine school-shooting for the word massacred; boys do rise is placed slanted upwards next to the males leg, to represent rise, and also as a slight reference to an innuendo; and the word trained next to an army boot. I have placed these images amongst masking tape and a lined papered background. The whole illustration is held together by a transparent layer of green, I did this as a way of linking all of the images together; I used the colour green as there was already this shade of green used throughout the piece.

I believe that this is quite a successful image as each image is well represented amongst the illustration as a whole, but when looked at as a complete illustration it still looks very surreal and has a Dadaist sense to it. This is because it is quite heavily layered with mixed media and a lot of photomontage. I almost think that the image looks more successful with out the use of the text, but the text wouldn’t work with out the use of imagery. But if I placed the text down how it is written with out the use of imagery, the only word that would provoke a thought would be the word rise. I found all of these images amongst The Sun newspaper’s headings and headlines. I chose to re-write it instead of using the originals because there wouldn’t be enough space for the illustration if I had done so.

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